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School Hours are 8:15 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.

Students are allowed to enter the building when the first bell rings at 8:00 a.m.

Reporting an Absence

Email or call attendance by 8 a.m. if your student is going to be absent. If you leave a message, please include your child’s name, the teacher’s name and the reason for the absence.

In accordance with Colorado state law, it is the obligation of every parent to ensure that every child under his/her care and supervision who has attained the age of seven years, and is a registered student in Academy District 20, receives adequate education and attends school. Regular student attendance is expected of all students.

Students should only be absent from school in case of illness, unusual family difficulties, or emergencies. If a student is absent and no call has been received from a parent or guardian, the district’s automated system will contact the parent. Punctuality is one of several self-disciplines the school encourages in its students. Students arriving after 8:20 AM without a doctor’s note or parent present to sign them in are considered tardy-unexcused. Parents of students with repeated tardiness or absences will be notified and a conference may be held. Repeat offenders may be placed on an attendance contract and may be reported to truancy court.

Early Pick-Up from School

We discourage students being picked up during school hours, except for illness or emergencies. If a student must be picked up, however, a note should be sent to the child’s teacher and the parent MUST sign the child out through the office. Students will only be released to parents from the office. You may be asked to show your identification. Anyone other than a parent/legal guardian picking up a student must be listed as an emergency contact in Infinite Campus.

"Habitual truant" shall be defined as a student who has reached age six by August 1 and is under age seventeen and who has four total days of unexcused absences from school in any one month or ten total days of unexcused absences during any school year. Absences due to suspension or expulsion shall not be counted in the total of unexcused absences for purposes of defining a student as "habitually truant." 

In order to reduce truancy, parents/guardians of all students shall be notified in writing at the beginning of each school year of their obligation to ensure that all children of compulsory attendance age attend school. The school shall establish a system of monitoring individual unexcused absences. When a student fails to report on a regularly scheduled school day and school personnel have received no indication that the parent/guardian is aware of the absence, school personnel or volunteers under the direction of school personnel shall make a reasonable effort to notify the parent/guardian by telephone. A plan shall be developed for a student who is at risk of being declared habitually truant with the goal of assisting the child to remain in school. When practicable, the student's parent, guardian or legal custodian shall participate with district staff during the development of the plan. Appropriate school staff shall make reasonable efforts to meet with the parent or guardian to review and evaluate the reasons for the student's truancy. In accordance with law, the district may impose appropriate penalties that relate directly to classes missed while truant.