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School Responsibilities to Support Student Success:

  • Teachers will provide high quality curriculum and instruction that enables children to meet Colorado's student academic achievement standards.

  • Administration, teachers and support staff will create an effective, safe and supportive environment for students to learn.

  • Teachers and staff will systemically and effectively implement all district and building curriculum in reading, writing, math, science and the arts.

  • Teachers and staff will provide researched literacy interventions for all students in order to increase reading ability.

  • Teachers will continuously progress monitor their students and engage in data driven conversations to determine the next steps in instruction.

  • Parent-teacher conferences will be held in October and March. Teachers additionally conference with parents whenever academic or social/emotional concerns arise. Teachers will offer additional conferences when requested by parents.

  • Pioneer will provide report cards to communicate student progress in October, January, March and May.

  • Weekly folders will include student work samples.

  • Provide parents reasonable access to staff through an open and friendly front office, parent email, back to school nights, Title I family nights, parent committees, a Title I Community Liaison staff member and collaboration with the surrounding community.

  • Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class and to observe classroom activities such as classroom parent volunteer, mentoring, field trips, performances, monthly assemblies, hundreds day, field day and Title I family nights.

  • Provide parent workshops and resources to support the social, emotional, physical and academic development of each child.

Parent Responsibilities to Support Student Learning:

  • Making sure children are punctual and attend school regularly

  • Making sure that daily homework is completed

  • Reading daily to their children

  • Participating as appropriate in decisions relating to their children's education

  • Promoting positive use of children's extracurricular time

  • Staying informed about children's education and communicate with Pioneer by promptly reading all notices from Pioneer or Academy District 20 either received by children, email or mail and responding as appropriate.

  • Serving to the extent possible on school committees and at school events.

Pioneer Student Responsibilities for Active Participation in Learning by:

  • Arriving at school on time and actively engaging in learning.

  • Listening to and following directions of the adults that are teaching at Pioneer.

  • Respecting themselves, their classmates, teachers and the environment at Pioneer.

  • Being responsible for schoolwork and behavior.

  • Doing homework to the best of his or her ability and asking for help when needed.

  • Reading at least 20 minutes a day outside of school time.

  • Giving parents or responsible adults all notices and information received at school